Community Development Block Grant (TxCDBG) Program

The Texas Department of Agriculture (TDA), through the Community Development Block Grant (TxCDBG) Program for Rural Texas, grants funds to rural Texas cities and counties for basic infrastructure projects aimed at developing viable communities principally for persons of low to moderate income.  Although most funds are used for Public Facilities (water/wastewater infrastructure, street and drainage improvements), there are numerous other activities for which funds can be used.  Funding is awarded by TDA on a biennium basis.  For more information on the TxCDBG program including requirements and application due dates, please visit:

In 2020, a statewide Unified Scoring Committee (USC) was established by TDA to replace local Regional Review Committees (RRC).  The USC is responsible for developing objective scoring factors for all regions used to prioritize applicant projects.  The USC also establishes the numerical value of points assigned to each scoring factor. This group meets once every other year.  The USC Committee Member representing Southeast Texas is the Honorable Wayne McDaniel, County Judge, Hardin County. 

TxCDBG Highlights

Eligible Areas
Non-entitlement cities and counties

Eligible Applicants
Non-entitlement cities and counties

Grant Maximum

Applicant Match
Cash match of 20% – 0%

Eligible Projects
Public infrastructure improvements, economic development activities and activities to address situations that pose an imminent threat to public health and safety.

Section 3

What is Section 3?
Section 3, a provision of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) Act of 1968, works with local entities to provide economic opportunities to low-income persons through local economic development, neighborhood economic improvement and individual self-sufficiency.  Section 3 applies to both low-income individuals and businesses.

What is a Section 3 Resident
A “Section 3 resident” is:  1) a public housing resident; or 2) a person who lives in an area where a HUD-assisted project is located and who has a household income that falls below HUD’s income limits.

What is a Section 3 Business
Section 3 businesses meet one of the following criteria:  1) 51% or more of the business is owned by Section 3 residents; 2) employees Section 3 residents for at least 30% of its full-time, permanent staff; or 3) provides evidence of a commitment to subcontract 25% or more of the dollar amount of all awards to one of the above businesses.

Section 3 Business Registry
The section 3 Business Registry is a listing of firms that have self-certified that they meet one of the regulatory definitions of a Section 3 business and are included in a searchable online database that can be used by agencies that received HUD funds, developers, contractors and others to facilitate the award of certain HUD-funded contracts.

Section 3 Business Registry
Section Complaint Register

Section 3 Opportunity Portal
The Section 3 Opportunity Portal is intended to help HUD grantees and Section 3 businesses meet their Section 3 obligations for employment and contracting.  The site is to be used by either Section 3 Residents or Employers.   Section 3 residents may use the site to search for jobs and post their profile/employment history for companies to search.  Employers may use the site for posting job/contract opportunities or search for residents to full positions.

User guides for:

Spanish user guides for:

Section 3 General Information can be found at: