Environmental Resources

Solid Waste

The Division receives funding for its Solid Waste Program through a biennial contract with the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality (TCEQ). The purpose of the solid waste program is to promote coordination among local governments, the private sector, and the general public in activities associated with the collection, transportation, and disposal of solid waste within the region.

The Program is administered by the Environmental Resources Department with the guidance of a Solid Waste Advisory Committee.

In 1990, legislation was passed which required all 24 Planning Regions within the State of Texas to develop a Regional Solid Waste Management Plan (RSWMP). SETRPC’s RSWMP was completed and formerly approved by TCEQ in May, 1995.

As a result of legislation and under the guidance of TCEQ, SETRPC adopted its RSWMP Amendment. The main purpose of the Plan Amendment is to provide more current information on solid waste management activities within Hardin, Jefferson, and Orange counties, establish grant funding priorities, document closed landfill site information, and define SETRPC’s role in solid waste permitting decisions. The Plan Amendment has nine revised goals, each of which contain short, mid, and long-term objectives.

Each year, a limited amount of funding is made available through SETRPC to local governments, public schools and school districts, special purpose districts, and, in some cases, certain non-profit entities within the three-county region. The purpose of this funding is to assist in the implementation of projects/programs that will enable the region to better manage its solid waste.

Program Benefits
  • Provide implementation grants
  • Provide grant administrative assistance
  • Maintain a closed landfill inventory for the three-county region
  • Support household hazardous waste collection events
  • Facilitate litter abatement programs that assist in the prevention of illegal dumping
  • Promote recycling, composting, and source reduction programs; and
  • Educate the public on environmental issues

Program Goals and Objectives

  • Promote coordination of collection, transportation and disposal of solid waste within the Southeast Texas Region

Regional Solid Waste Management Plan

Other Information

For more information concerning the Solid Waste Program, contact Bob Dickinson at bdickinson@setrpc.org or (409) 899-8444 x7520.