Regional Maps

The Emergency Communications department provides maps to view or download.

The first section contains a four-county region map with major highways that SETRPC serves.​

The second section contains the Emergency Communications County Mapbooks.  They can be viewed in PDF format  and/or downloaded.  Simply select on the county image and a grid map will be presented.  Then select on a page of interest and that individual page will be displayed.  The Mapbook along with index download is at the bottom of the section.  These mapbooks are also available for sale to the general public at $25.

The third section contains GIS data for the four-county area in ESRI’s shape file format.  Each county zip file has street centerlines, county boundary, city limits, water features, and railroads.

Region Map



Emergency Communications 9-1-1 Atlases

* – Entire county (with index) in PDF format

GIS Data (ESRI Shapefile format)

The region can be downloaded below.  The datasets contain street centerlines, county boundary, city limits, water features, and railroads.  SETRPC’s GIS data is provided using the Texas State Plane South Central Zone Coordinate System.  Units are measured in feet and the datum is NAD83.

Regional GIS Data

County Boundaries EMS Fire

Incorporated Municipality


Road Centerlines