Administration Division
The Administration Division oversees SETRPC’s departments, their programs, and assures accomplishment of its annual scope of services and compliance with all Federal, State, and local requirements. The Division allows efficient support of these and other facets of SETRPC in their objective to improve the health, safety, and general welfare of the citizens in the region. These services are supported collectively by dues from the Executive Committee members, accrued fund balance interest, technical assistance grants, and the indirect cost rate as allowed by grantor agencies.
Human Resources
Human Resources provides orientation for newly hired employees which includes information on health care and retirement benefits, payroll and holiday schedules and many other benefits.
Financial Reports
Information Technology
SETRPC is equipped with the latest technology to meet the challenges it faces in serving our region, including the ability to work remotely anywhere in the four-county area. The Information Technology Division (IT) manages this technology which enables SETRPC to work more closely with local governments, subcontractors, area businesses, special purpose districts as well as many others. It is the intent of IT to make the technology usable, understandable and economical.
Leading SETRPC to pursue a greater unification of technology resources, the IT Division is responsible for the management of SETRPC’s Local Area Network, Wide- Area Network, phone system, Web Presence, and Internet connectivity. The systems are designed to be flexible and reconfigurable which allows for more efficient use of resources.
The SETRPC website is managed by the IT Division, and is a highly informative site that can easily be updated by each SETRPC division on an as-needed basis. Along with network administration and support, IT also provides group and one-on-one training for the software and network systems used by the staff to provide reliable and cost effective technology to SETRPC employees. This, in turn, enables SETRPC to maintain a high level of proficiency in performing its duties.