Office of the Texas Governor Child Sex Trafficking Team
The Texas Model for Care Coordination Grant Program FY2024-25
On October 2, 2023, the Office of the Governor’s Public Safety Office has issued a Request for Applications (RFA) for the provision of care coordination services to Commercially Sexually Exploited Youth (CSEY) in Texas. Care Coordination is a key component of the Office of the Governor’s Child Sex Trafficking Team Model to serve CSEY.
While local children’s advocacy centers currently serve as Care Coordinators in most of the counties where Care Coordination is active, other organizations are also allowed to apply for this opportunity. All current agencies interested in dedicated funding to continue in the role of Care Coordinator may submit an application through the Office of the Governor’s eGrants website.
Both programs in development and those that have launched are eligible to apply. Applicants are required to demonstrate robust community support including executed letters of intent or memorandums of agreement from the Care Coordination Advisory Council for established Care Coordination entities; or for developing Care Coordination entities, letters of support from all intended Care Coordination Advisory Council partner organizations.
Applicants with existing protocols are eligible to apply whether Care Coordination protocols have been incorporated into the children’s advocacy center’s multidisciplinary team (MDT) working protocol or are maintained as a separate agreement. Additionally, Care Coordination programs funded by the Office of the Governor may receive referrals made by non-investigatory entities, such as community partners, and investigatory partners such as law enforcement and the Department of Family and Protective Services, as recommended by the designated Advisory Council and documented in the executed Care Coordination protocols.
Full details regarding this funding opportunity may be found in the RFA, which has been posted to the Funding Opportunities page of eGrants as of October 2, 2023. The deadline to submit an application is December 2, 2023.
Helpful Resources:
eGrants – Funding Schedule (