Volunteer Opportunities


Long-Term Care Ombudsman Program
An ombudsman is a person who is specially trained and certified to advocate for quality care in nursing homes and assisted living facilities. An ombudsman is dedicated to enhancing the lives of residents and is independent of the facility. The Ombudsman serves as part of the Area Agency on Aging services network supported by the State LTC Ombudsman.

Duties of an ombudsman:
• Advocates for residents rights and quality care
• Helps protect the health, safety, welfare and rights of residents
• Resolves residents complaints
• Educates consumer and may provide technical assistance to providers
• Provides information to the public

Mission Statement
The office of the State Long-Term Care Ombudsman of the Department of Aging and Disability Services advocates for quality of life and quality of care for residents in long-term care facilities. Residents and their families are served by developing and using the talents and efforts of specially trained volunteers, professionals, advocacy and membership organizations and regulatory agencies who are interested in long-term care and elder rights issues.

To become a volunteer contact Nancy Kendall, Managing Local Ombudsman.