Environmental Resources

Air Quality

The Air Quality Program works to keep southeast Texas elected officials and citizens informed of the importance of clean air issues through air quality data and educational programs. With funding from area industries, the Division operates an air monitoring network made up of numerous air monitoring stations located throughout Hardin, Jefferson and Orange counties. With real-time data from those sites, the agency maintains a comprehensive database that provides information on the air quality of the region. The Texas Commission on Environmental Quality (TCEQ), through a data marketing agreement with SETRPC, utilizes the real-time data to help forecast Ozone Action Days and to develop air quality plans for southeast Texas.

In November of 2010, the Beaumont-Port Arthur region was designated as attainment for the 1997 Ozone Standard. The Environmental Protection Agency is working to develop a new Ozone Standard and areas should be redesignated based on the new standard sometime in 2011. The designation of Beaumont-Port Arthur according to the new standard is unknown at this time.