Economic Development

Regional Broadband Study

Technology plays a pivotal role in how businesses operate, how institutions provide services, and where consumers choose to live, work, and play. A community’s success has become dependent on how broadly and deeply it adopts technology resources, which include access to reliable, high-speed networks; the digital literacy of residents; and the use of online resources for local business, government, and leisure.

The South East Texas Regional Planning Commission (SETRPC) and South East Texas Economic Development District (SETEDD) partnered with the Connected Nation Texas (CN Texas) Connected Community Engagement Program to conduct a study designed to determine the availability of broadband infrastructure; how county residents are adopting and using broadband services; and what steps would have the greatest impact toward improving broadband access, adoption, and usage across every local sector.

Pursuant of this goal, between February and April 2022, Jefferson, Orange, and Hardin Counties conducted a comprehensive survey of broadband technology access and adoption across the community. Staff also met with community officials to determine community needs and gather qualitative data for consideration in the study. This study approached broadband holistically, focusing on the quality of life offered when residents and community leaders alike access, adopt, and use broadband in a productive and meaningful capacity. With this approach, the assessment identified issues and action opportunities necessary to close the local Digital Divide.

Data collected as part of the engagement played an integral role in developing unique, locally informed action plans for the three counties. The details of the assessments are linked below. Unfortunately, Jasper County was not part of the SETRPC or the SETEDD when this study took place. However, Jasper County worked with Connected Nation Texas on a similar study before joining the SETRPC, the information gathered in that study is also linked below.

Broadband Study Executive Summary

Jefferson County
Data collected as part of the engagement played an integral role in developing a unique, locally informed action plan for Jefferson County. This document provides a summary of that assessment, as well as recommendations for improving broadband and technology access, adoption, and usage.
Jefferson County Executive Summary
Connected Survey Results

Orange County
Data collected as part of the engagement played an integral role in developing a unique, locally informed action plan for Orange County. This document provides a summary of that assessment, as well as recommendations for improving broadband and technology access, adoption, and usage.
Orange County Executive Summary
Connected Survey Results
Orange County Outside Plant Audit EXECUTIVE SUMMARY

Hardin County
Data collected as part of the engagement played an integral role in developing a unique, locally informed action plan for Hardin County. This document provides a summary of that assessment, as well as recommendations for improving broadband and technology access, adoption, and usage.
Hardin County Executive Summary
Connected Survey Results

Jasper County
Jasper County worked with Connected Nation Texas on a similar study before joining the SETRPC. The following provides a summary of that assessment, as well as recommendations for improving broadband and technology access, adoption, and usage.
Jasper County Executive Summary Technology Plan

Additional Broadband Resources
The Broadband Development Office (BDO), operated by the Texas Comptroller of Public Accounts, awards grants, low-interest loans and other financial incentives to internet service providers who expand access to broadband service in underserved areas. The BDO also provides a variety of tools and resources supporting the expansion of broadband access across Texas.
Texas Broadband Development Office

To get the best all-around results for adopting technology, municipalities will need collaboration between people and processes, as well as a strong commitment by community leaders. The keys to successfully adopting technology for local municipalities require having a willingness to change and adapt and to be open to the value that technology offers. Setting up a community technology resource board can be a useful step in gaining internal and community support.
Municipal Boards: Best Practices for Adopting Technology

Cities, towns, and counties have an extraordinary amount of resources that can be leveraged to encourage investment in broadband infrastructure and ultimately lead to greater connectivity. While there is no single connectivity model that works for every community, there are common threads that run through the diverse array of successful projects. This toolkit is a compilation of those practices and a resource for any community seeking strategies and solutions to connect its residents.
Broadband Toolkit

The Pew Charitable Trusts examined state broadband programs nationwide and found that they have many similarities but also differences that reflect the political environment, the state’s resource levels, the geography of the areas that remain unserved by broadband, and the entities that provide service.
How States Are Expanding Broadband Access

BroadbandUSA’s website serves as a one-stop shop for information regarding federal permitting and funding resources across agencies.

CTC Technology & Energy for the Internet Society produced a guide offering an overview of federal funding options that could provide financial support to Tribal, state, and local governments and utilities in their efforts to expand broadband infrastructure.
Guide to Federal Broadband Funding Opportunities in the U.S.